Ms. Tomes

How long have you been working in education?

I have been working in elementary education for 6 years on 2 continents and in both private and public schools.

What grades/ subjects have you taught? Do you have a favorite?

I have taught Kindergarten through grade 6 (my year overseas I taught grades 1-6), and my favorite is 4th grade.


Why did you decide to be a teacher?

I decided to become a teacher because it is a profession prevalent in my family (4 aunts, 1 uncle, grandmother, and mother are all teachers!) and I saw the impact that my family had with individual student lives, in addition to their education.  It seemed like an important job, and I LOVE people, so here I am!

How would you describe your teaching style? How does it align with or compare to T.R.E.E.'s?

I don’t know that I could describe my teaching style, but I will tell you that I love bringing in songs to the classroom. Any jingle I find or can create to help students remember a concept is a win. My sixth grade math teacher changed my life (and my struggling math brain) with helpful songs and jingles, so I want to try to bring that to my classroom. My students have learned important science concepts through Earthkeepers songs they’ve learned, and I’m willing to bet they still remember the songs and concepts even years later.

What's your favorite part of/ memory from a T.R.E.E. program?

My favorite part of Earthkeepers is seeing students who don’t generally have much interaction with the outside world sit, listen, and observe during Magic Spots.  I can sense their discomfort as they sit for the first time in the middle of trees and dirt, but by the end of the experience they are excited for Magic Spots and can’t wait to share what they noticed.

If you could give new educators one piece of advice, what would it be?

Advice for new teachers: The work never, ever ends. It will be there in the morning, so go home, go to the gym, take a walk, play with your kids, spend time with your partner and friends, eat a good meal, and rest well.  It’s difficult to make the impact you’re hoping for if you burn yourself out. Seriously...go home and rest.

What do you like best about being an educator?

My favorite thing about being an educator is interacting with students and seeing their personalities flourish throughout the year.  I love seeing them work through struggles and walk away proud of themselves for pushing through. Also, I love the opportunities that I can share a bit of my life with my students because I think it helps them to remember that I’m a real person.

Are there any teacher training resources you'd recommend to other educators seeking to improve their effectiveness?

Although not a teacher training resource, Flocabulary is a great resource with really cool raps about ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies concepts, as well as current events.  My students LOVE watching the creative videos and learning the songs. If your school uses Eureka Math, then and Learnzillion are great tools to help understand how to teach the concepts if it’s new to you, or you can use the videos in your instruction.