Mrs. Gaffney, or as her Metairie Academy students and all of us at T.R.E.E. call her, Squirrel, has been attending the 4th grade Earthkeepers program since 2018. Year after year, Squirrel attends the program with a level of excitement that would make you think its her first time.
She sings all of the songs, plays all of the ‘roles’ that are asked of her, and masterfully guides her students to be curious scientists in the forest with us, as well as back in the classroom.
We were honored to ask her a few questions to highlight her experience.
What fuels your passion for teaching?
My passion for teaching comes from students being excited about what we have to offer them. They want to learn so much, and I love finding out what will motivate them to stretch their minds to learn beyond what they are expected to learn. I want children to want to come to school. It excites me when the students can't wait for the next lesson or when they tell me how they brought the lesson home and replicated an activity with their families.
Why did you choose the nature name Squirrel?
Oh, so many reasons for the name Squirrel;
From my experiences rehabilitating and releasing a few squirrels, I have learned that squirrels are misunderstood creatures. They are considered nuisances when in reality, they are just busy. They love a new adventure but in the evening, like to return home. As a child, I was very busy and felt like I was a nuisance to my teachers. I would get a bit over excited about certain things and would sometimes be forgetful in the process; just like a squirrel. Also, every day for lunch, I eat a trail mix of nuts
What do you enjoy most about coming out to Earthkeepers with your students each year?
I love the mystery of Earthkeepers. The program is completely geared to a 4th grade maturity level, triggering so much wondering. Students get so excited about learning about the world around them and immersing themselves in the natural world. Children today are learning from computer screens and videos but don't actually experience what they are watching or reading. The students always tell me that it's the best time of their school experiences. They feel like they learn so much. They don't forget what they have learned in the 3 day experience. And, they are so exhausted from their full day when they return back to school. What makes me happiest is when they share what they have done with their families and create natural spaces for themselves at their homes. This program changes their outlook about nature and our matter cycles. They understand why we should respect our natural world. With all of this, they are meeting so many of the science standards that need to be taught, so no class time is wasted.