Executive Director

Ibis became Executive Director of T.R.E.E. in 2013 with a solid understanding of T.R.E.E. programming and how the organization fits in our educational and environmental communities.  She has worked in the nonprofit sector for over 20 years, focusing heavily on environmental education in metro New Orleans. Ibis taught for T.R.E.E. from 1998-2000 with Founder, Firefly, and discovered how comprehensive and rewarding teaching can be working with elementary and middle school children. She continued her education and career, receiving a Master of Urban and Regional Planning degree from the University of New Orleans and practicing in the private sector. She applied her combined planning and environmental expertise working to plan New Orleans' comeback from Hurricane Katrina through the Unified New Orleans Plan process. Her technical writing brought her back to T.R.E.E. in 2007 when she began managing the grant program. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, a Loyola University Institute for Environmental Communications Fellow, and was an appointed member of the Historic District Landmark Commission 2014-2023. Ibis enjoys her family life in Algiers and Lacombe, raising two daughters, and traveling whenever and wherever possible.